We are your local COWs - Container on Wheels Mobile Storage dealer. Our Barn is located at Christofferson Moving & Storage, a full service moving and storage company. Click here to visit our Christofferson Moving & Storage website.
Fill out the form below or call 608-313-7768 to get a free quote.
2422 Springbrook Ct
Beloit, WI 53511
M-F 7:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 7:30am - 11:00am
Sunday Closed
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A local cowpoke will respond shortly.
If you would like immediate service - please call 479-316-6331 or toll free (866) 438-2269.
COWs around town
COWs around town
COWs around town
COWs around town
Inside a COW
COWs at a barn
COWs delivery system
COWs are perfect for book fairs!
A COW getting loaded during a donation drive
COWs are great for on site storage and decluttering
COWs delivery system
COWs around town
COWs around town
COWs around town
COWs around town
COWs around town
COWs around town
COWs around town
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