We are your local COWs - Container on Wheels Mobile Storage dealer. Our Barn, the Buxton Complex, is located at Buxton's Boxes Self Storage. Click here to visit our Buxton's Boxes Self Storage website.
Buxton's Boxes is located on the same property and owned by the same family that operates Buxton's Backyard Structures, Bountiful Gardens, U-Haul and Hertz. The Buxton Complex primarily serves Mercer County in NJ and Bucks County in PA and will be known as COWs of Mercer-Bucks.
COWs of Mercer-Bucks offers 8' and 16' COWs -- Container On Wheels® mobile storage containers for daily, weekly and monthly rental.
The Buxton clan is lead by Betty Lou and Bud Buxton. When they are not working long days at the family businesses, you will find Betty Lou and Bud singing karaoke. While Betty Lou prefers to stick to ballads from the 50's, Bud prefers modern country western songs to entertain his listeners. Barb Conover, Bud's daughter said, "While it is terribly embarrassing when dad starts singing at the supermarket, I must admit that we love when he sings at the office…especially when customers are around."
COWs are great for decluttering a house that you want to sell. That service is known as home staging. Cody, Kaylee, and Shane Reading will be in charge of the home staging program for COWs of Mercer-Bucks. Cody said, "The Real Estate Staging Association claims that staged homes sell within 33 days compared to an average of 196 days for homes that are not staged. COWs has a special home staging program designed to help folks sell their homes faster -- and for a great price." That is a pretty impressive statement considering that Cody is not even ten years old yet. "If he can figure this out -- you should be able to as well!" Kaylee said.
"Mobile storage containers have a variety of uses ranging from onsite storage during a home staging or remodeling project to moving across town to moving across the United States," said Marisa Sachleben, the Buxton Herd's lead COWhand. If anyone needs to move or store anything, anywhere -- we can now provide the perfect solution.
John Conover runs the Herd in making sure that COWs are delivered and picked up on schedule. "I have a very nice watch and that is why I am in charge of scheduling all COWs deliveries and pickups, it's a Timex!"
Kristi Reading is the manager of the business. Her biggest responsibility is making sure that their customers always have a great experience. Feel free to ask for Kristi directly when you call.
Harry Zoog, is not so happy about adding COWs to Buxton's Boxes. "When all we had were U-Hauls and Hertz Rental Cars, it was very easy to keep our grounds clean. Now that we are COWs I just know that I'll be tasked with cleaning up after them." Rest assured, the Buxton security team of Casey, Riley, and Marley will keep Jason in line.
Fill out the form below or call 609-359-9546 to get a free quote.
1536 Lower Ferry Road
Ewing, NJ 08618
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 3:00pm
Sunday 9:00am - 3:00pm
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If you would like immediate service - please call 479-316-6331 or toll free (866) 438-2269.
A few of the many COW faces
A COW getting loaded during a donation drive
COWs are perfect for book fairs!
COWs delivery system
Multiple COWs needed
COWs delivery
COWs are great for on site storage and decluttering
Inside a COW
COWs at a barn
COWs can be used for toy drives!
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