We are your local COWs - Container on Wheels Mobile Storage dealer. Our Barn is located at Clinton Moving & Packaging, Inc, a full service moving and storage company. We are experts in storing or moving your property. With our help, you can design a personalized moving and/or storage solution to fit your needs, budget and timeframe.
DIY - Do-It-Yourself
With this option you do all the work (except driving). This is the simplest and often times the most cost effective solution.
This is how the DIY service works;
We deliver a COWs Mobile Storage Container to your home or business. You load the COWs Mobile Storage Container on your own. After it is loaded, and you have secured your load and locked the container;
When finished you unload the COWs Mobile Storage container yourself. Once empty we collect the empty COW. The transaction is complete when we retrieve the COW from you.
HS - Hybrid Service
With this option, you do some of the lifting and Clinton Moving & Packaging, Inc does the heavy lifting. Since you are doing some of the labor yourself, you save money on labor but It is nice to have the peace of mind that you will have professionals available to help you with the heavier and more difficult items.
This is how the HS Service works;
We deliver a COWs Mobile Storage Container to your home or business. You load all the items you want to into the COWs Mobile Storage container. Clinton Moving & Packaging, Inc will load the heavier items or those items requiring special handling. After it is loaded, and you have secured your load and locked the container;
When finished, you can either unload the COWs Mobile Storage container yourself or use Clinton Moving & Packaging, Inc to help. Once empty we collect the empty COW. The transaction is complete when we retrieve the COW from you.
FS - Full Service
With this option, you get the full treatment. All you have to do is sit back and relax.
This is how the FS Service works;
We deliver a COWs Mobile Storage Container to your home or business. Clinton Moving & Packaging, Inc will load your items into the COWs Mobile Storage container. After it is loaded and you lock the container;
When finished, you can either unload the COWs Mobile Storage container yourself or use Clinton Moving & Packaging, Inc to help. Once empty we collect the empty COW. The transaction is complete when we retrieve the COW from you.
We can help you pick the combination of services that makes the best sense for you and your budget.
As an example - You might want to take your time and load yourself but need some help unloading. In this scenario, you would select a DIY to FS transaction (DIY - Do-It-Yourself to FS - Full Service). As another example - The load out might be difficult and therefore you want some help loading the heavy stuff. Once loaded out, the move into your new location is ground floor and you do not require help. In the scenario, you would select a HS to DIY transaction (HS - Hybrid Service to DIY - Do-It-Yourself). You can mix and match any of the above depending on your needs.
Regardless of your needs, remember, we do all of the driving!
For a custom quote please fill out the form on the right or call us directly.
Fill out the form below or call 315-557-6507 to get a free quote.
232 Utica Street 12b
Clinton, NY 13323
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday Closed
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If you would like immediate service - please call 479-316-6331 or toll free (866) 438-2269.
COWs of Central NY
COWs of Central NY
COWs of Central NY COW dropoff
COWs delivery system
Multiple COWs needed
Inside a COW
COWs delivery system
COWs delivery
COWs are great for on site storage and decluttering
COWs helps out Mendon's Hurricane Sandy Relief Drive
COWs are perfect for book fairs!
COWs at a barn
A COW getting loaded during a donation drive
COWs can be used for toy drives!
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